The reason i'm posting it here is that it also included Mumford and sons, empire of the sun and, although i can't tell the difference between these three apparently they're alright- the big pink, passion pit and temper trap. So I've done all the work to make sure there's no confusion between the Adele's, Duffy's and Ting Ting's and the vampire weekend's, MGMT's and black kid's.
I'm not a fan of the others mentioned in the list, I did write a little about them but if you can't say etceterawr...
I'm going to kick start this three part post with two promising female artists-

Marina and the Diamonds
I figure I should probably just start off with this fine filly. I've been going on about her ever since this blog was created and it looks like 2010 is her year. I've featured her on no less than ten occasions over the past 12 months, second only to bright eyes and death cab... which I guess makes her third... However, I digress to my first impression-
"I haven't written about this girl before because I wasn't sure if I was being swayed by just how stunningly beautiful she is. She's getting comparisons to kate nash because like she says, "I've got a keyboard and I've got a vagina". She has a deeper range which I personally dig and darker themes which are a huge plus. Some of her stuff is quite theatrical which I can only imagine will make for a great stage show, Kate Nash seemed to have very few places to go with her stuff but I can Imagine MATD will make for a killer time." Outroversion 2009
Quite right, live she's quite the performer and has a huge voice but without it being annoying (dontmentionflorencedontmentionflorencedontmentionflorence..).. Unlike some other artists who emerged in the past year who shall remain nameless. I'm kidding FATM weren't that bad, I liked my boy builds coffins but this blog isn't about her and never will be :p Umm anyway, back to Ms.Diamandis. The lack of a coherent narrative in this post is pretty much just me saying it doesn't matter what I say because she's going to be huge and you're going to love her. It is the year of the diamonds. And not of the rat or the pig or whatever the chinese are making out ;)
Mowgli's road

Ellie Goulding
You've probably heard of Ellie Goulding, I'm not sure how big she's been getting maybe i'm just more aware because I follow her on twitter but with this head's up from the BBC it's probably not going to do her too much harm! Her music is made by super producer StarSmith and she's very much in the same vein as little boots but is actually really good and a little more independant. Starry Eyed and Under the sheets have both been featured on BIRP, they're all over nme radio and they're worth the download. She records a lot of music so i'm hoping that those two tracks won't be all that she's known for in 2010 but most people are dumb so maybe she will be.
Starry Eyed
Under the sheets
The Wolves Acts 1 & 2 (bon iver cover)
Part II tomorrow :)
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