Thursday, 30 April 2009

I just realised I haven't done a post on what I think of as my ipod's long lost sister who turns out not to be his sister and their love can be requited! O.k that sounds weird but is brilliant. I'm going to try post my chart on here, like maybe every 5000 tracks (i'm on 11000), my ipod doesn't scrobble everything and obviously i've had my ipod longer that i've had it but it's still fairly representative.

Add me if you have one-

The problem is of course, which chart to post. Problem is i've already posted a lot of it on this blog! It's all been taken down obviously so maybe there's no harm in doing it again? Let me know what you think on reupping things and if you want anything put up just let me know and i'll do it.

Apart from the charts the most amazing thing is the radio station, add your friends listen to what they're listening to. Really the only way you'll appreciate is by using it yourself.

The main point of this post is to make people aware of and it's cataloguing potential. I'm just going to post a few tracks it shows i've been digging of late-

Paul Mccartney- Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey
Lil Wayne- A milli
Giant Drag- Kevin is Gay
Pete and the pirates- Eyes like tar
The Beatles- Tomorrow Never Knows

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Ipod Shuffle VI

You know we're back up and running when it's time for another shuffle, I'll make this one epic, 10 tracks that will hopefully blow your mind, my ipod was feeling a bit emo last night with a lot of bright eyes so hopefully won't be throwing too much lily allen or the actual lady gaga track I have on there! I'm serious, I guess it must have been on someone's playlist or something cos I'm walking around knowing it's there but not knowing how it got there, much like any number of examples from last friday night...

Of Montreal- My friend will be me

I mean everyone knows what the deal with of montreal is, weird but irresistable dream pop. Whether whole albums concerning Dustin Hofmann eating a bathtub and hiding it from a suspicious wife while completely avoiding the subject lyrically or making masterpieces such as hissing fauna are you the destroyer? They're great. A band that this generation and probably the next two aren't ready for, sometimes I feel like they're from way in the future. Missed out on seeing them last year but my ticket was sold for megabucks, they've got a killer following

Camera Obscura- Swans

Perfect! I saw Camera Obscura on Friday! I got suuuuuper drunk and did some crazy crazy things inspired by unlimited strongbow and blackcurrants each chased down with aftershock. Oh man! Anyway this track is from their latest and most critically acclaimed album and they're riding this success so well absolutely loving it, they've worked for it and deserve it. This is the most jaunty and twee off the album and is so catchy musically and Traceyann Campell's vocals as compelling as ever.

Smoosh- Take it away

Sometime a couple of years ago I went through a bit of a smoosh phase where for whatever reason I completely dug what these kids were doing! The drums are sparse yet fantastic, having been mentored from Death cab's very own Jason McGerr and the thing about the vocals, the difference between the two albums and hearing her voice mature was fantastic. One problem is the lyrics, really proper bubblegum stuff alot of pop cliches in there which i'm also hoping will mature as they do.

Magnetic fields- Strange eyes

Yet more from the opus of 69 love songs from Magnetic Fields. The music sounds like it's from another planet, the vocals remorseful and seem very deliberate like there's nothing wasted, no filler which is why the tracks so short and i don't have much time to write!

Adam Green- Broadcast Beach

Bit pop. Way too pop for Adam Green. He's at his best when he's writing haunting, mythology referencing creep fests. I rarely delete tracks off my ipod (it's huge) but I deleted another one of his songs called something like "sticky ricky" it was the worst song i'd ever heard. This sways into really pleasant radio listening which isn't always a bad thing, there's strings there's uptempo music, it's good times.

Ben Folds Live- Rockin' the suburb

I just realised that Ben Folds Live sounds like Ben Folds Five, that's quite clever. Aaaanyway this is from their live album songs for goldfish and this track was a mainstay of my road trip in 2005 such a great track for summer it's right up there with sum 41, blink 182 and greenday for their summer songs, it's great stuff, alot of fun, alot of sun and yet also a bit intense! Great stuff. Quite a bit of swearing on this track soooo :p

Frank Sinatra- I get a kick out of you

Ah the master. My first musical idol, I love swing when I was younger and still do, love the ratpack and everything they represented. This song is brilliant for the timing shows how much control he had over his instrument and despite having a huge orchestra like C.B's behind him he still ran the show. Frank Sinatra is probably one of the coolest people to have ever lived.

Lily Allen- Take what you take

Won't you look at that, what are the chances?! Out of around 2000 artists, 20000 tracks, she has about 20 on mine so the odds are like 0.01% right?! At the time I thought Lily Allen's first album was great, but I listened to it again before her new one and was like... I can't remember why I liked this. But you know what? When it's fucking sunny outside this album's even fucking sunnier! So yeah give her stuff a listen in the summer and all is right with the world. This is pretty catchy too.

I was a cub scout- A step too far behind

Sometimes I download bands who just have great names, sometimes they garner attention for their musical ability too. Apparently they've split now but I was a cub scout was a great writer, they split after one album I suppose but their synth infused emotion filled verses with powerful hooks was great so keep a look out for their new bands- Omes and Brontide.

Manic Street Preachers- Why so Sad

I saw Manic Street Preachers, supporting Foo Fighters last summer, they're one of those bands from the 90's that have stuck together and have achieved quite a reverence without actually being spectacular. They write some really catchy things and when you actually see them live you realise how many of their songs are actually lodged in your subconcious without you realising it. This isn't one but I'm sure you know what I mean :)

Yeah I'm pleased with how my ipod represented me today, we'd had a tough weekend, I thought i'd lost it on friday when I woke up all naked and confused and still drunk on saturday. I found it in my bed, I can only imagine what happened...

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

New Band Tuesday

So yeah I think the only thing this whole escapade has done is made me want to made this blog even more relentlessly awesome, less blogs about how emo bands are supergeh and more great new bands and amazing new music. Thanks for sticking around.

The XX- Teardrops

I like this guys, in the vein of yeah yeah yeahs first album, the current metronomy and something intangible. Playing the camden crawl this weekend, but then who isn't! Nah this guy and gal look like they're going plaes, european tour up next, they encapsulate what was fun about Karen O and maintain a darkness that would make their live shows captivating. The track i've included here, teardrops, is magnificent, "the music don't feel like it did with you". When you search xx in google alot of porn comes up so I don't know if the girl's hot but she sounds it...

In Case of Fire

Before reading this review I would like you to know that I've got today and tomorrow off work, going to see a great band tonight, got a wad of cash, the sun's out, I'm in a great mood! So this is not because i'm working tonight, got no money, it's raining and I feel like balls, because that is simply not the case :)

The three fellas are being hyped to HELL being compared to all manner of unmentionables, promises that if you go and see them now in a dingy bar you'll be boasting about it in 5 years when they're playing wembley. They do have a big sound, kinda like if fallout boy covered muse. For me, too indistinct. Vocal clarity is not good enough to be gripping or make you want to listen again, in my opinion these don't warrant the attention they're going to get but they are getting at the moment, it doesn't make all that much sense- they've already been dropped by EMI, they've done the kerrang tour with charlie from busted, they've got this whole dumb wearing armbands all the time thing, I can imagine the conversation "guys, here's a list of metal rock cliches I found on the net, I figure if we tick as many of these we'll totally get hyped by the buzz machine" purlease. Not going to include any mp3s.

The Yeah You's

This band sound like a supergroup (only in the literal meaning) of the hoosiers, mcfly and take that. It sounds like sitting down for a bowl of all bran going to pour a bit of sugar on it, the top falling off and ending up with a bowl of sugary milk with some brown shit floating in it. They are bubblegum pop and were reccomended by NME, like raise the game guys :(

Just reread the NME review and after listening to this rainbow inspired bromance I'm baffled by what was said.

Graffitti Island- Mountain Man

Ah you know low-fi psychadelic shoegaze is where my heart really lies. The lyrics are "a bit silly" and fit in with the music, you remember how the aliens were? Like all twizzly bleep bloop with alieny referencing smack. This is a similar deal, all tribal and most songs describe a different way of mutalating an enemy, drinking soup out of their skull or unmentionable deeds using a mans pinky bones, you know that kind of deal. They're a fun listen but nothing to get your teeth into.

And finally-

New Postal Service? Here's the track- Space Gods

It was posted on twitter and has opinion divided. You be the Judge. In my opinion, if it is him- wow is it ever different. If it's not, I still kinda wanna hear this track! Ha.

Monday, 27 April 2009

New Music Monday

Well that was a scary couple of days right?! Turns out this music servers better than the one I was using anyway. I'm not gonna go on about everything that happened as it was a bit stressful but I'm just going to carry on like it never happened and not learn any lessons from it and just keep carrying on posting awesome music :)

Also if anyone wants anything reuploaded from other posts just leave a comment asking for it and i'll get on it. Thanks for reading everyone like, pretty immense stuff.

Dirty Projectors- Stillness in the move

Tinkly keyboards, synthd drumbeat... O.K first impressions aside, a fun track but it feels so fake. Female vocals, you know I dig. I will say that this is a compliment- I couldn't imagine this live. Maybe in a dj set but everything about it seems experimental and intentionally difficult. This song is great if you like MIA, Santogold or Lady Gaga's buttcheek.

Pink Mountaintops- Vampire

This is like a mixture of soft oasis, foo fighters and something perfectly intangible. This is the indie side of metal, the classical side of rock. A really nice track from a band you might want to check more stuff out from, the parts where they all sing together is great in the way the the last few minutes of that elbow song is. One of my favourite things about this band is the imagery that they effortlessly convey, right from their name to the coda here.

Phenomenal Handclap Band- 15-20

This track is 4 minutes long and it feels packed. It starts off splendidly and is catchy as hell, it's avante in the same way CSS were (or are... are i guess right?! It's just..) it feels to me like addicental dance music which is the only good kind. Like they were making a catchy ass song and it just turned out to be so good, you could dance to it with very few questions being asked as to your mental health.

Silhouette- Masquerade

I couldn't find an mp3 for this due to there being 5 bands by the name silhouette and even more bands with songs called masquerade. None the less fantastic track, drum beat reminiscent of late 70s female rawk, haunting vocals, this is btw Helena Gee formerly of Leeds' Goth Metal revivalists The Ivories.

I haven't heard the enemy's new album, I'm interested to as they're from my area and they're supporting oasis when i'm seeing them this summer which is also their homecoming gig and their first actually at the ricoh. Also they had this whole huge hype and then got shot down by the very people who hyped them in the first place... how ironic.. :p

So cheers for the support I think we're coming up on 1000 views now, obviously way more people reading than following but it's good to know none the less! Comment and let me know what you like what you don't like, what you'd like to see, how the blog could be improved, anything!

I also have gigs to review too so next week will be packed full of blogs to celebrate one upmanship on the fatcats!

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Bad News

So every single one of the mp3's I had hosted with HLF were removed. So for the time being I won't be updating until I work out a solution. If anyone can reccomend a good music host that'd be great.

Bands with emo names

Or should I say 3AnD2 wItth 3m0 nAYm3z

Oh man so I was just on this chick's profile on and I was splooted in the face but an humungous "emogasm!". Some people say emo is hard to define, well if you'll bear with me I think you'll find that these four bands outline "homosexualitemo" down to tee!

DISCLAIMER: I have come back to write this disclaimer as there's a lot of vitrole and acid tongued languaged laced in this post. Like, my favourite band is bright eyes so how can I not like emo? It's not that I don't like emo, anytthing about it it's just the constantly reinforced stereotypes that I present you with here that I FUCKING CANNOT STAND!!! Now emo girls? I love, can't say no to them, especially if they have glasses too. There's just something wrong about emo guys, maybe it's the hair straighteners, maybe it's wearing their younger sisters trousers and their make up, maybe it's...


All one word? Check. Unnessecary exclamation mark? Check. Stupid emo hair? Check! The main problem I have with this band is that they're actually quite nice sounding, alot like rocket summer and I want them on my ipod... Fuck what have I gotten myself into with this blog!


Obviously a completely different entity to the previous band I mean firstly their name's just like totally different... but yeah this music is what is an even more poisonous (YEEEAAA!!!H) element of emo- Screamo. Stupid idiots going- rarghrarghrargh at the mic and with guitars all going jujujableh yeah man- hate this band and this genre.


You know the deal by now, all one word, unnessecary punctuation. This band are more along the lines of "melemodrama" big emotional "sounds like they're about to cry" lyrics. Ah shit and there's that stupid AFI voice all the emo kids seem to love. I don't get it, you can fuck yourselves if you think i'm even gonna consider eating you...

DotDotCurve :)

Oh yeah, this is one of my favourite elements of emo, the band name that is really a smiley face. Pioneered by acts such as Colonopenbracket oh and semicolonclosedbracket. I just had to post a picture of these douche bags. Plus their music is THE worst thing I have heard in my life, you know idiots like Akon and sean paul do that electronic voice thing which is just supergay? Well it's like that but with the AFI voice. Think that sums it up fucking perfectly.

And seriously this was just the first four bands I saw on this girl's profile, I just happened upon her on the oasis gig i'm hitting in the summer. Like I'm sure it gets worse!

Friday, 24 April 2009

The Leisure Society

The nominations for the Ivor Novello best song musically and lyrically-

The Last Shadow Puppets
- My Mistakes Were Made For You
Elbow - One Day Like This
The Leisure Society - The Last Of The Melting Snow

The leisure society were formed in Burton on Trent, kinda stoke area. Front man Nick Hemming works in a fabric warehouse, he wrote the song "The last of the melting snow" and is now voted for an Ivor Novello award along with Guy Garvey and Alex Turner.

One interesting thing is that their album actually got 3/10 in NME. And when you do listen to their music you'll be like WTF?! It's a really special album and I gotta say fuck you whoever wrote that because there's thousands of us who would kill to review for NME and lazy shit like that is just fucked up. It's nothing against NME as the reviewers are independant and they're helping them out by giving them a paragraph which does mean some will sensationalise to get in, which is exactly what's happened here so let Niall O'keefe off he's just a bit of a nob.

The music is VERY elbow and it's fairly obvious why GG turned up to one of their gigs and was full of praise. The lyrics are poignant, well thought out to veer from predictability and the vocals melt in with the strings and brass.

If you don't have time to check out the whole album, you simply have to have last of the melting snow on your ipod-

Last of the melting snow
A matter of time
A short weekend begins with longing

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Great bands that never made it #1- Rushing with Apathy

I was sitting in a nero coffee house last week when one of their tracks came on and it got me to remembering when I first got their 4 track demo CD at a battle of the bands night when I popped to bournemouth uni for a bit. I decided to listen to the whole album and then I decided they deserved an entire post on my blog. They were that good.

Rushing with Apathy

Here's my original review of them- "So at my first university I used to smoke with this guy in the student village a few doors down, we did that and headed to the student union to drink and there was a battle of the bands on. These guys came on and it was like a proper concert, killer tunes, everyone digging it, talented as hell and holly who shares lead vocals was shaking it like a pro, they brought the atmosphere, her vocals were icy and gothic like an atheist amy lee and the guitars were metal without being jarring. The band are done now, it's over, I really thought they were going to be mammoth they had endless great reviews around the area hyped up to hell. Ah well good memories. And just picture this chick (actual pic from the gig) grinding her ass off for the last two minutes of this track."

I did think they were going to be huge, in reality they have less listeners and plays than MY page lol. There is one particular period of their history that lead to their downfall, letting holly leave, I have no idea what happened but apparently it wasn't particularly acrimonious none the less they should have chopped off their nuts, given her all their money, anything to get her to stay, she was what made the band great, they were nothing without her, obviously considering they split later on. It's not just that though, it's like after she left they erased any record of her being in the band, off their myspace, website everything which is fucking lame I mean grow up maybe? After that I was like fuck them and just appreciate that period in time when they really were special, Holly and Rushing with apathy.

Maybe it's just nostalgia or looking back at things with blue sky eyes, but I'd love to know what other people think so please, leave a comment let me know. Hopefully a few people will dig this, there's some really great tracks but fuck that- here's the whole album :p

Title Track
Let Down
Things in life
Cracks in my skin
Don't judge them
Don't know why
A way out

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

New Music Wednesday

I have always been aware of coachella because they had insane artists headling like this year it was paul mccartney and morrisey. Macca's set sounded incredible like if I'd picked out what songs he would play that'd be it. I thought that it might also give rise to a few awesome new bands, turns out that's not what the deal is with that place there are a few which i've been led to give further investigation to-

Drive by truckers- Feb 14th

I was apprehensive checking these Georgians out due to the risk of them being a stupid southern country band with twee lyrics and ukeleles but as ever I hoped my instinct to ignore stereotypes would prove me right, here it did. They do have a distinctive country sound but without it being jarring, these thanks largely to the guitars being distinctly electric, the lyrics do remain true to some of the conventions of country talking about travelling and then repeating lyrics at the end like "" you know the deal, but yeah I don't reccomend downloading the rest of their stuff as it IS a bit country, but this track's a nice addition to any ipod.

Electric Touch- Love in our hearts

One of the stand out up and comers at coachella, they'd already rocked SXSW the previous year and to those in the know their storming coachella set was no surprise. Three Texans and one Englishman as the lead, his vocals maybe sort of a bit of a mix of wolfmother and hot hot heat but with great sing along parts reminiscent of greenday or Blink 182 at their best. The guitars and backing are memorable. These guys are tipped to be big but they are already getting enough attention to call themselves that, they're instantly likeable which is always a commodity, definately going to be seeing a lot more from them.

I'm afraid that's all I got from Coachella that absolutely everyone doesn't already know. Back to random bands that people have been reccomending me, I check them ALL out so I secretly hate some of my friends who reccomend garbage :)

The first band I was reccomended was Trailer Trash Tracys and they almost broke my speakers within the first 5 seconds, it's not even low fi, it sounds like it's been recorded by a crude implement fashioned out of tin foil and banging bin lids together.

Magic Magic- Over your heart

After that atrococity it was nice to have a band that described themselves as an "easy listening lounge act" upon listening it's a hugely pleasant mix of reverb laden psychadelia with fragile vocals and a pulsing beat. This is what the unicorns would sound like if they weren't mental. Damn magic is one of those words that when you write it so many times it looks like it's from another planet.

I keep not mentioning RaRaRiot because they seem to be getting so huge with relentless momentum that I feel i've missed the boat on mentioning them before they get too big, I keep listening to them and thinking yeah they're gonna be huge and I should do a post on them, today's not the time, it's probably gonna end up being a band you should know.

Next was we were promised jet packs they sound like a good version of glasvegas like I guess if them and biffy clyro had a musicbaby. The name's obviously awesome, probably from the simpsons or something, I wouldn't like to say it out loud but looks good on paper.

Will and the people

I was reccomended these by a girl at my bar, she said how they're just the right level of noteriaty right now but are about to support girls aloud so are gonna be huge... I was like... girls aloud? Sooooo how gay are these guys exactly? Main problem is, they're good, but yeah- will appeal to teenyboppers and their moms. Ska influenced pop, reminds me of Mattafix. Bottom line is because they're on a huge label with pop acts all their mp3s get taken down and i'm not having that happen twice in a week,and I don't really care whether people hear them or not, just check their myspace if you want, I expect in a few months they'll be as annoying as bands like the hoosiers, the feeling and the script.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Shuffle Tuesday V

The Flaming Sideburns- Loose My soul
The magnetic fields- Promises of eternity
Everclear- The New York Times
Dane Cook- BK Lounge
Mates of state- Sound it off
Frog Eyes- The ill Twin of evil energy
The Lemondheads- In Passing
Conor Oberst- College
Babyshambles Live- There she goes

I've never heard of the flaming sideburns, apparentyl they're from sweden, not sure how they got on my ipod! this track starts off with some hispanic announcer before leading into oasis style guitars and then 80s rock stones inspired vocals and underlining guitars. When he sings in English it's actually REALLY cool, the swedish stuff's pretty gay but I like this, uplifting rock at it's goodest.

"I heard he wrote you a love song, well some guy wrote 69" this is that guy, stephen merritt of magnetic fields. This particular ballad has a touch of divine comedy in the delivery with of montreal in the music, probably sums it up quite well, I always thought; man if he'd have made this 3 disk album into one disk and just made it the best songs it would legendary. None the less the compilation is to a lot of people anyway so what do i know. One thing i've never understood is what the hell is a gay piano bar?

This song nearly burst my head open after the previous track, comes in like a face fuck! Which isn't the last thing I'd expect from Everclear but it's definately not why I like them. They're like the ataris for me, in that they've got many good songs but their funny names make you forget which is which and then means you rarely listen to them. The only one I remember is the one where it goes "now do that stupid dance for me" everything to everyone, but then there's songs like volvo driving soccer mom and sex with a movie star. This songs as sunny as everything they've ever done.

Ah man, Dane cook. I first found out about him when people at my uni in canada were quoting things from him stuff like "ah no i kicked them off in a fit of joy" and then one night at a rez party I went to sleep at this girl's place and she had this cd palying and man was it ever hilarious. Now he's like my second favourite comedian (to Russell Brand).

Gotta love the canadians. Mates of state, like they could be the only band in the world and i'd be happy just cos their music's so nice. Maybe that was kinda an overblown compliment, it's not gonna happen so i don't mind making it. I don't know how I found out about them but I really dig MF duo's especially when the girl takes on lead vox. I remember on a road trip in 2005 all in your head was on the tape deck quite a few times, that's right a tape deck- killer road trip down to the minutest detail

I don't know if anyone knows who are yet but this band "Frog Eyes", not a great name for a band, remind me of them, quite an apocalyptic lyrical delivery with a twirling backing from a guitar's higher echelons, a keyboard and clinky drums, although it's gotta be said that Frederick Blood Royale's drummer is amazing. Yeah- go check out

Obviously having one huge album is a... I have forgotten how to spell this word... "poisined?" man I can't believe this... Poisened, poisoned? poisoined... poisind... Oh my god I literally have no idea, maybe it's because it's so sunny today, i'll blame that for the lapse- Lemonheads in the sun is perfect but as I was saying, having one highly successful album can make your previous and latter efforts pale in comparison, indeed i didn't even realise they'd released an album this century until last month! Haha. But yeah I love that album, I really want to know the rest of the stuff but I feel like i'm missing out on that album when I hear other stuff!

Ah a pre-pubescent conor oberst singing about college which was a distant half a decade away when he started releasing albums. It's weird because all this stuff solo and with commander venus is good, the pop mastery of you should be in sweden and the prediction of a haunted future. It's tracks like this that make you realise just how talented he was and is, he's been writing constantly since he could and it's all been better than anything anyone else has ever said.

This is from their "Oh! what a lovely tour" DVD and Cd, I've been listening to it loads, I really loved them live, I saw him on and off drugs and prefered him off and this album just shows off how actually quite polished and professional Babyshambles've become while also remaining true to pete's erratic persona. They've released two wonderous albums and if the libertines don't get back together, Pete could be doing worse things than making music with these guys.

Alright, insane compliments out of the way i'm pretty happy with how my taste was portrayed by my ipod today and I'll see you tomorrow. Let me know what you like and don't like by commenting etc!

Monday, 20 April 2009

Camera Obscura

Sorry for the lack of updates this weekend this was due to a couple of reasons, the first being that my computer wasn't working and is still extremely temperamental and also due to UMG taking my blog down and making me become despondant for a couple of days. None the less, I e-mailed them called them out for being gaylords and it was put back up. Oh and did I mention having to walk 8 miles to work each day :p as it is- onwards ever backwards never.

As i'm eager to get a blog up as soon as poss i'm going to cheat a bit and do wednesday's entry today as it'll take less searching around, some of it's also going to be a bit of a message I sent to my older bro last week who hadn't heard of them.

Camera Obscura

Thing about camera Obscura is the album "underacheivers please try harder" is one of the definitive shoegaze albums of recent times, my favourite track is "I don't want to see you". All tracks listed here i've put as streamable links down the bottom.

They're another band I got into because of a beautiful girl with amazing taste in music, I think this was her pinnacle though, she was super emo..

I got to see them last summer outside at the truck festival but they were still playing a lot of "let's get out of this country", an album which I think was produced with the summer festivals in mind with the lead's fragile voice the music and in particular brass had been understated before but this didn't stop it have a few great tracks on, the first single got huge airplay the summer of 2006 and the whole album got great reviews from the festivals.

This is why i'm looking forward to seeing them in a dingy club this Friday. Obviously if you can download underacheivers, it's one album I can safely say will still be in my top 100 albums when i'm 78. Another one will be vampire weekend's debut.

Tracyanne Campbell's voice is a lot sexier than she is, damn that sounded harsh but it's only because maaaaan is her voice sexy. I mean scottish people... Would what I was about to say be considered racist?!

Their latest album, my maudlin career got a career defining 9/10 in NME last week, fortunately this current tour was arranged way before they knew how big they're about to get. I envy the new fans cos damn have they got an amazing back catalogue.

I don't wanna see you
Keep it clean
My Maudlin Career
I love my jean
Hey Lloyd

Friday, 17 April 2009

New Music Friday!

I'll just call 'em days that'll be easier right?!

I have today off work, I wouldn't mind the rest of the weekend off but that won't happen, thing is like I say I have to walk 8 miles for work at the mo, it's kinda great just I have to do it at night at the weekend which is creepy :p

O.K Today's is a bit tricky as the stuff I want to post is either impossible to find on mp3 or is the new greenday track and they'll probably take the blog down again. Either way when this finally goes up which won't be before I go to bed I bet (i've become good at doing these on my phone thank g0d) but when it does it'll be worth the effort.

Magistrates- Heartbreak I have gotten money just in time to catch them on the NME Radar tour and indeed shall be, also great as it's in the smaller zodiac room. The Magistrates I've been aware of for around a year but it's always been a chore finding their stuff and they#re touring all summer without an album to back it up, so they must be good right? This track kinda sounds like if elbow were around in the 80s and had a penchant for disco pop, if ya know what i mean...

Greenday- Know your Enemy Yeah this is just a 90 sec preview on youtube cos I can't be bothered with what happened last time and having to put the blog back up from scratch again, I guess universal win. Bottom line is I'm really looking forward to greenday's new album and will probably buy it. As a concept it sounds forward thinkingand the kind of cd that you'd want in your collection rather than just the mp3's, I really like bands that do that. Seriously! And this clip seems like it's gonna be a great comeback.

Nine Black Alps- Buy nothing To the other end of the spectrum, nine black alps are giving away their new record and all you have to do is enter your e-mail address on the website and it's right there in your junkbox! Or you can just click the link i've given. NBA... haha only just noticed that! Anyway they're metal but the right side of heavy, they're one of those metal bands that if you just turned up to a random gig and knew none of their stuff they'd still be a great time, this track is the epitome of that. Oh and also- don't not buy nothing, support your local record store

The do- On my shoulders This band are WELL nice. A MF duo from Helsinki and France, they're a mixture of metric, camera obscura and jenny lewis which is a preeeetty mean mix. By this I mean an eclectic music style, crystalline vocals and introverted lyrics. So far they're the best band I've found today, I've still got about 20 to go but I'm liking these alot.

New Look- Future Times I feel it my duty to hype canadians, most of the time they're worth it, one half from Toronto and the other half from NYC New Look are an electropop duo who are good enough for me to post even though I posted one from this rarely forayed into genre today. This track is a journey, a proper musical journey, the lyrics the music all going in different directions before coming to a shuddering halt and trying to find each other once more.

I am unfortunately a busy man but there's way more new music out there and i'll post some more of it tomorrow. Let me know if you dig and if you don't.

Thursday, 16 April 2009

New Albums- Fanfarlo (Resevoir)

So i've been working a hell of a lot recently, I unfortunately need to make money for my yearly quest of "make this the most awesome summer ever!". I'm pretty amazed with myself that i've kept this blog going while i've been "on da grind!" especially since I've had to declare my car off road due and walk 8 miles everyday! You should see my body though :p

Now I've gone on and on about Fanfarlo since finding them while randomly looking for new music a few weeks ago and it was pretty inevitable that they would get their own post sooner or later. And so it's finally here their debut album...

Fanfarlo- Resevoir (2009)

01 I'm a Pilot
02 Ghosts
03 Luna
04 Comets
05 Fire Escape
06 The Walls Are Coming Down
07 Drowning Men
08 If It Is Growing
09 Harold T. Wilkins or How to Wait for a Very Long Time
10 Finish Line
11 Good Morning Midnight

My original review of FF "Dreampop, it's one of those abstract nondescript genres that still seems to fit some bands perfectly, this is one. Great for the summer, they're a mixture between the floatysunshinecatchiness of empire of the sun and the rhythmic intrumentation consciousness of an arcade fire. I really like these guys, they are probably the band that i've been most excited to discover in this blog, they really make stunning music. In the trunk is when it really struck me. Unbelievably endorphene inducing. Oh and they're from LDN!!!"

I'm pretty good to you, link to the whole album in the title and individual files on the track listing!

Before listening to album the first thing I noticed was that standout track from the demo cd "you are one of the few outsiders that understand us" isn't included, i'm hoping this means the rest of the album is eeeeeven better than that...

Early signs point to yes as "I am a pilot" is a heavenly track, starts the album off perfectly, and purposefully. The strings are magnificent and add a haunting atmosphere to the dark lyrics which are masked by an upbeat tempo and clapped beats which underly the piano perfectly. Part of what sounds like percussion is actually a lot of people playing the same part on guitars.

The similarities and ineed comparison to arcade fire are both obvious and unignorable. The strings and brass heavy tunes, flowing vocals and harmonies are evident on many of the tracks but in my opinion better than arcade fire because it really seems like the entire band has a common goal as each track builds and support each other well, AF vocals were lost way too often and I can see these going down great in big venues where AF will always be a support band to bands with a less pretentious and overtly thought out sound.

I've listened to the album about 6 times and it's a consistant and not overly ambitious debut, that is by no means a bad thing, they just know what they're good at and what they can pull off live and have aimed at hitting those highs first.

I'm so glad I found these guys and as coincidence would have it they're playing my town next month, i'm already there.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Bands you should know #4- Interpol


In terms of their actual recording career interpol are a fairly young band, in reality they've been around over 10 years. From NYC, Interpol have recorded 3 albums, each one lauded critically so seemingly worth the wait in between each one. Interpol owe their sound to the unique vocal style of paul banks and the intrepid and creative driving bass lines that Carlos D is able to produce on an amazingly consistant basis. Daniel Kessler, on lead guitar was the founding member of the group.

I think "evil" is the epitome of what interpol are as a band. A dark, bass heavy track with intense, scathing vocals. It's easy to keep going on about how good Carlos D is as a bassist but some of his lines are unforgettable. He cuts a mysterious figure, motionless on stage smoking while ripping apart intricate layers of rhytmic motion. The album "antics" is where they are heavily relied upon.

Heinrich Manouvure

Obstacle 1

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Ipod Shuffle #4

It's that time again. I saw someone actually copied my post on their blog and pretended it was by them, I kinda took that as a compliment! Lazy though. Once again I post everything that comes up unless I don't have it on my computer and the only things I don't have on there are some of the indie/rock playlists so it's good music I just can't upload it. Everything else- is there ballbags and all.

Oh also I gotta say, I've got theeeee most amazing ear phones atm. I've gone through so many pairs the past few months looking for the right ones and these are it, the sound quality is amazing, length of the cable just right and perfect size ear bits, just perfect. Yeah, i'm in love with some headphones so what?

Anti-Flag- Police State in the USA
The Promise Ring- Living Around
Bell & Sebastien- Dialogue: Toby
Animal Collective- Lion in a coma
Megadeth- Kill the king
Death cab for cutie- I will follow you into the dark
White Williams- Smoke
Laura Veirs- Don't Lose yourself
Dashboard Confessional- So Long, So Long

First up was anti-flag who I saw supporting rise against, they were intense. I was preeeetty close to taking my shirt off, only i'm not a douche :(

Great thing about the shuffle I find bands I put on there and ahven't listened to. Like Promise Ring, I downloaded because a girl I like had them on her and so I downloaded loads of their stuff so I could impress her with that if she didn't fall for my charm, good looks and big pe.. rsonality :) They're a bit nice, a bit soft rock but catchy, maybe a bit boring live but how would I know!

Worst thing about the shuffle is 30 second interview/dialogue tracks, not much you can say about this, for what it is and what the album is in terms of belle and sebastien it's slightly interesting.

People go on and on about animal collective and here it is- I don't dig them. There you go, secret's out, I find them annoying and cutting musically and boring and grating lyrically. For whatever reason everyone's creaming all over this album well if we're going to keep talking about animal collective I'm gonna break the record for the amount of time I've mentioned these two kinds of bags in one sentence- ball and douche.

Funny story of why I have Megadeth on my ipod. On April 1st it was announced they were headling truck festival this summer, so I downloaded all their stuff. Turns out it was an april fools joke and i'm retarded! None the less I went through that whole getting into metal thing over the past year and this band apparently are fairly important and apparently so huge that it's just proposturous they could headline and independant music festival. They're alright, a bit cliche. Yeah that's right big metal bands- I judge you the same as any other band. They should lose the solos ;) Also I think there were only about 8 words in this song *pukes*

Ah this song. I first heard it a long with that canadian girl I moved over there for, billing it as the greatest love song of all time. Saw Death cab play it live before the album came out, stunning... Two years later 14 year olds screaming along to it and it's become the most annoying song on their setlist. Having this come up on shuffle will probably be good for popularity among the O.C crowd. I can also play it fairly perfectly on guitar as I used to be one of those douche bags who played acoustic guitar at their girlfriends while singing rubbish love songs. You gotta make up for the lack of actual feeling some how lol

O.K I don't know who White Williams is but the song's called smoke and the album is called smoke and it has a picture of two people smoking out of a bong on the front with the smoke spelling smoke. When he says smoke in the song I get the impression he's talking about the capital city and the liberating effect it had on his mind, maybe i'm being a bit generous but I like to think there's more to it than face value.

Laura Veirs' album "saltbreakers.." was labelled the album of 2007 in quite a few places. Maybe worth it lyrically she's excellent and she's not twee or lovely like some other female solo artists. Quite dreamy and deep, the music is fantastic too, experimental in places and never quite incidental, I like her alot, check the album for sure.

Funny Dashboard Confessional should come up as I INTENTIONALLY listened to these emo rockers sometime last week, not sure why just figured i'd never listened to them and alot of people dig them. They're very very soft and very "i close my eyes like a douche bag when i sing cos i'm so fucking emotional"...

O.K I'm out!

Monday, 13 April 2009

Classic Band/Ablum #4- Nick Cave Dig Lazarus Dig

This is a tricky time of the week as I kinda want to do pink floyd, led zeppelin, Dylan, the clash, mott the hoople etc but I figure everyone knows more than I could ever begin to say, I'm pretty sure I'm going to dedicate it to awesome albums instead. I'd call them classic but I really wanted to do a post on this album from last year-

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds- Dig Lazarus Dig

This album came out at the same time as MGMT's Oracular Spectacular and this album is the exact reason I didn't get that into MGMT right away because I was blown away by this. I assumed it would be topping all the album lists but even the most generous ones put at number two to MGMT.

The first track I heard from this album was life changing. "more news from nowhere". A track based completely on mythology, taking themes that were written centuries ago and turning it into a masterpiece. My description at the time was "this is what i'd expect if Mars sent us the best track from their version of the rolling stone's from 2070" it sounds absolutely out of this world, like he isn't bound by the restrictions of time, space and lyrical themes. A layer of amazing music with such incredible and profound lyrics strewn over the top in a knowing yet haphazard way. I listened to this 9 minute track 20 times in a row that first day.

I pretty much bought a ticket to a gig in hammersmith on the stregnth of that one track, turns out the rest of the album is just as incredible. Nick Cave's labido infused lyrical grinding and backed by a group of hiiiiiighly talented instrumentalists. Creative, innovative, genius.

They came out to night of the lotus eaters a clanky, ambient track which set the tone for the performance. As Nick said of, we call upon the author, "this song is worth the entrance fee" I hadn't given the song that much attention due to it's mammoth elder sibling of news from nowhere. Well this track was just as incredible and unique, there's one part in particular,

"well my friend doug's tapping on the window *taptaptap* Nick: Well hey Guys: Hey doug Nick: He brings me a book of holocaust poetry and tells me to get ready for the rain, and again I called upon the author to explain"

Like how can you write this kind of stuff? It's incredible, it's profound and deep, at the same time as being nonchalent, off the cuff and uncaring. I could go on and on and on about the lyrical themes in this album but they are incredible, his best work in my opinion.

Dig Lazarus Dig
Night of the lotus eaters
Call upon the author
Jesus of the moon
More news from nowhere

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Moar new musik #?!

I'm gonna stop doing numbers next to things as I've already lost count and I'm only on like 3, I think this is why I failed math so many times :) Don't worry, I excel in other areas... Areas like- a) being cool b) not being a maths nerd :)

It's easter sunday, It's also my day off from exercise as I've done around 13 days in a row, results are smexeh ;) but none the less we're having a huge sunday lunch as well so probably gonna be a fairly glutenous day! Plus movies in the afternoon- groundhog day, darjeeling ltd and rounders. There is alcohol in the fridge but I would prefer not to drink it as Friday was so heavy and work yesterday was a bit of a slog dehydration wise..

Oh also Red Dwarf was back this weekend, I am not making any comments til i've seen it many many more times (i used to be a huge nerd about it... turns out I still am) But none the less here are the links if you don't have Dave (which I don't, I went over someone's house to watch it... what a 'kin geek!)

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3

I was looking through the stats for this blog and maaaaan does it get a lot of hits! I used to get all demoralised having no comments but have got some great ones recently on different sites saying you dig the stuff, the download numbers from some of the tracks are amazing. Any feedback is so very welcome. I'm glad people are enjoying it and I'm gonna do everything I can to keep the quality high. And more pretty pictures to give it an air of faux-professionalism.

Today it's time for more new music from new bands...

Black Box Revelation- Love, Love is on my mind

One of the heavier bands I'll feature today, I forget how I found about them especially considering they're from belgium. They're a two piece who remind me of supergrass in their darkest times, think Richard III. Pretty catchy chorus, lyrics are clear for the style, the album "set your head on fire" gained them a certain amount of notoriaty and rightly so, definately worth a check out.

Delphic- Counterpoint

From the same scene that touted twisted wheel as the next big band out of manchester, a 3/10 review in NME a bit of a dash to that claim, Delphic, formally known by the quite awesome name "Snowfight In The City Centre" are a four piece indie-rave band in cut from the same cloth as the cure and new order. One of the reasons their hyped to be big is the stadium potential for tracks like this, reminiscent of klaxons circa golden skans with a major plus that the tone of lead singer James Cook's voice is so much more clear and with actual resonant lyrics rather than sounds that just go with the music, I think these guys are gonna be pretty big later this year.

Wave Pictures- If you leave it alone

These guys are maybe a bit twee, they've been around over 10 years other than that obvious comparisons due to the style of the vocals and supporting brass are te rumble strips, this track only serves to back up the similarities due to the meandering storyline of this song. The vocals of david tattersall are quite reminscent of the mountain goats and with the light dreamy possibly brushed drum track and delayed lightly picked guitars on this particular effort it could easily be mistaken.

PJ Harvey- Black hearted Love / 16.15.14

Her tenth album, a woman a man walked by, has been getting amazing reviews already, labelling it the album of this year already. Plus she's a bit sexy. Oh and also a killer sound. An eclectic musician and despite being in the game so long has a fresh approach to music. 16/15/14 is quite a dark number quite like blonde redhead's "melody". Black Hearted Love on the other hand has been getting a load of attention from people like zane lowe and nme radio, a mix of the aformentioned blonde redhead, cat power and howling bells, can't go wrong.

Fanfarlo- I'm a pilot

You know I love these guys, they're my new favourite band and their album leaked last week and I still can't get enough of them, they're playing oxford in a month or so and i'm ever so there.

Saturday, 11 April 2009

New Music #3

I'm doing this on Friday as I've got way more time than I had on thursday. The quality of the stuff in the Truck post was great it's gonna be a brilliant weekend you should check them all out. There's a couple of bands here that are from the overflow of that post-

Eminem- We Made You
Alright, Eminem has another new track, exciting right? Yeah... Yeah it is, only... The only thing is, that uh... He's doing that stupid fucking voice again. You know the one he does in the "ass like that" video? Well that. All over this track and all over the other two that had been released, like why? It's the single most annoying thing, I hate the tracks he does it on and I hate this but not only for that but for gimmicky fucking teen popstar name dropping and hype acttack wagon jumping. Not even slightly Impressed.

Heloise and the Savoir faire- Illusions

Now i'm not gonna pretend the lyrics here aren't a little chiche at times but this track is jumping, it reminds me of the first time I heard santogold's... whatever that track was last year! She went down with the ting tings... a travesty... None the less I can't wait to be going nuts to this track live in the summer, I like the band alright but i'm not nuts because like I say the lyrics are a little bit pop but sometimes you're just not in the mood for bright eyes.

Broken Records- Anne
As if I didn't mention these guys in the bands to watch! I'll make up for it because they're worth a whole post to themselves, and they'll get it. I can only imagine what people thought when they first heard the killers, anyway 5 years on and they're doing pretty well for themselves. These guys, from scotland, are the heirs to that indiedisco throne the thing making them little bit more awesome is the war vocals, guys got great control and range in his voice. I really think these guys are gonna be huge. This isn't even their best track!

IAMX- Kingdom of welcome addiction (Ft. Imogen Heap)
IAMX's album leaked the other day, I only really know the artist through a friend who is proper into him, she won me round after comparing them to liquid sex or something of the like and i gotta say i'm a fan, his live show sounds quite the spectacle and the sound is epic. Utilising a haunting, gothica style vocal the electronic drums and keys loop to paint a portrait of raw emotion. This track from the forthcoming album features Imogen Heap, who is perhaps as close we're going to get to hearing a recording of a mythological siren, singing to your soul before ensnaring you as you meet your exquisite demise.

Friday, 10 April 2009

New Album #?!- Conor Oberst- Outer South

Conor Oberst & the mystic valley band- Outer South

Track Listing
  1. Slowly (Oh So Slowly)
  2. To All The Lights In The Windows
  3. Big Black Nothing
  4. Air Mattress
  5. Cabbage Town
  6. Ten Women
  7. Difference Is Time
  8. Nikorette
  9. White Shoes
  10. Bloodline
  11. Spoiled
  12. Worldwide
  13. Roosevelt Room
  14. Eagle On A Pole
  15. I Got The Reason #2
  16. Snake Hill
Was pretty excited when I found out that this had leaked, so excited in fact that I'm posting the album without listening to it! I will be though, all day, just you watch me. Except I'm also re-reading on the road.. I would expect these two events not to coincide.

I read a funny review of this album where the guy said something like "I've been listening to conor oberst's new album with the mystic valley band and it's great except that he let's some of the other guys sing on it which is kind of like winning a three some with johnny depp and him insisting that johnny vegas joins in." I was confused that the guy saw winning sex with a man in some sort of celebrity sex lottery as a good thing but the alliterative nature and pure oxymoron of his comparison was brilliant.

Oh and- DISCLAIMER!!!: For god's sake don't download this album from that link just wait and go and buy it when it comes out, have you no will power?! Come on support the artist and buy the cds so you can be down with the grandads...

And to think I try and make money from music lol

Thursday, 9 April 2009

New Bands #3 (Truck Festival 13 Line Up)

Every year I go to an independant music festival in steventon, Oxfordshire, it's been our little secret for over a decade now. It's been getting bigger every year but still entirely none commercial, this also means only the very coolest bands play because they're not getting paid £1,0000000 or having thier own trailer etc for example last year we got to see the reformed Lemonheads perform Shame about Ray in it's entirity (give or take..) and this year supergrass and ash are headlining. So many amazing up and coming acts, every year you fall in love with new bands for life, these are who are expected to be making the headlines this year. I've also decided to put pretty pictures up on this blog and who knows, maybe a naked chick? Ooh the suspense!!

Red Light Company- Meccano

Ah remember when you'd go over grandma in the 80's and somehow she'd have an anchient mecanno kit from like the stone age for you to play with that was rusty from when jesus peed on it and you'd try and make a car by bending the things around and ruining it for everyone else? Oh wait those aren't your childhood memories... Wait- those aren't even MY childhood memories...

From London, and covering a few far reaches of the globe with band members from Wyoming and Australia, the drummers from bridgend! INTENSE!!! Ah you shouldn't joke, I just find the whole thing disturbingly fascinating. Woah wait a minute.. Their album cover has a naked chick on it!!! Got well nice boobs as well! So there you go, just as I promised a naked chick what are the chances! Ha.

I've listened to all the bands I am posting today and these are my favourite, that is no slur against the other bands, these are just exceptional. Lyrics are proper eloquent and actually resonating with our times, I can't speak highly enough of these guys. Check out the track scheme eugene on their page too.

Yacht- So Post All' em

I've been aware of YACHT for a while, his touring has been relentless so only from seeing his name on posters. He's from portland, a scene I am constantly creaming over, formally of the band "the blow" he's experimetal, electronocoustica, but he also hits the right pop buttons for it to be enjoyable and scindie enough for the lyrics to be engrossing. This track has a fairly unique backing, I can't even imagine what half the instruments are in this. I can only imagine that this guy is an absolute riot live, a must see.

Sportsday Megaphone- Have you ever fallen in love with someone that you shouldn't have

Forget about the Fallout boy length song title- They desribe themselves as "Awesomely frantic ipod karaoke! ultrapop confetti headphone piñata!!!" Along with their name I think that's enough reason to like them. First impressions are they're a bit low-fi electronic, truth is this is kinda a cover of that song "have you ever fallen in love with someone ever fallen in love ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't have fallen in love" I think it's by the human league, if it's not, don't correct me because i don't care :(

Pulled Apart By Horses- I punched a lion in the throat/The Lighthouse

These guys are from leeds and I've read so many outstandingly abstract reviews from them. A common consensus is that their sound is "mental" and also that they are going to be huge in 2010, I'd agree to a LOTP or Little Man Tate extent. This track "I punched your mother in the scrote"... or something like that, I had to listen to twice to even get a grip on it, it swirls like a guitar driven, vocal yelping cyclone. My comparison to LOTP is probably the most coherant, the lyrics aren't exacly shakespeare or doherty :p but i'd imagine shouting along and jumping around to this in a tent would be awesome. I'd imagine them to be the fighting with wire of this years truck.

And so i watch you from afar- I Capture Castles

I want to give a shout out to these belfastians beacuse I am hyper critical of them and wish I wasn't because so many people seem to see their relevance where I fail to. They're an instrumental band, signed to a major label and tipped for big things and yet i'm like... Uh- it's an instrumental band?... I don't get... this. This. I. Do not... Get. But yeah they seem to be doing something right I just wish I knew what it was. Bottom line is, I'm definately going to see them at truck to see what's goin on.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Bands you should know II

Modest Mouse

I got to see these guys 2006 just after dashboard was released but just before the album came out, they had a suprisngly awesome fan base over here that I had no idea about. They've released almost countless albums but only started to achieve success when the "float on" from "good news for people who love bad news" hit #1 in the billboard chart, this was followed by "we were dead before the ship even sank" with johnny marr of the smiths, hitting top spot in the album chart.

Despite this success chiselled from the rock of the 90's seattle scene, frontman Isaac Brock has remained incredibly true to himself and the band and how he is percieved by the bands following is very important to him which has lead to some quite messy moments on and onstage involving self harm, DUI, attempted murder, jail time neither the success or the infamy has taken his feet off the ground he's a killer lead.

I've selected "half a dozen and a half..." yeah so three quarts of a dozen tracks that I think both represent modest mouse the best and give anyone just getting into them a great foundation... You can easily find the mainstream stuff like float on, online.. I found that funny anyway..

Missed the boat
Bury Me with it
Alone down there
Dirty Fingernails
Interstate 8
Talking shit about a pretty sunset
Doin the cockroach
Secret Agent X-9

Up next week- Interpol

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Ipod Shuffle #3

It's that time of the week! Spin that wheel!

Justin Timberlake/50 cent/Timothy Baland- Ayo Technology
Slightly Stoopid- Righteous Man
Muse- Take A Bow
M.I.A- Come around
Amy Winehouse- You know i'm no good (Live)
Rothko- Give
Crystal Castles- Courtship Dating
Paramore- Pressure (Live)

O.K once again there's always one that I feel I need to explain myself for! I thought Ayo Technology was a pretty original name for a track and the videos pretty cool, I downloaded it and it's actually alright. "your hips your thighs you got me hypnotised" It's just something that happens to be on there...

At least that shows I do these things honestly! No skipping!

Secondly there's the frat band slightly stoopid, I downloaded their library on the stregnth of the name of the album name "slightly not stoned enough to eat breakfast yet kinda stoopid" I figured, here's a band that can make up for the lack of blink 182 and the bloodhound gang inspired college rock in my life!

Muse, one of those 21st century bands that everyone else in england seems to love but I just don't get their cultural relevance. They join a list with numaries such as radiohead, coldplay and kings of leon. Apparently their live shows have lasers and stuff which make it worth £60 a ticket. I'd only pay that much if they invented a machine to bring people, not only back from the dead but make them and their bandmates younger and could take them back to a certain time and did it to the beatles and they went on a sgt. peppers/white album tour and I'd still privately curse the economy.

One Thing I was amazed by MIA about is that she releases a song that blows up like nobody's ubsiness and has a kid while the money's rolling in, she like planned exactly the coolest time to do it because she wasn't all over the stupid tv shows and festivals as a one hit wonder and instead gets to release another album next year and actually think about grinding it out as a career artist. Pretty cool. She's also hot and looks like konnie huq. Oh yeah- there's a pornstar called "Connie Fuq".

Ah what can I say about Adubs, I got into her around 2002 and was well pumped for her debut album Frank and absolutely loved it, told everyone to get into her and she was gonna be huge, the album was nominated for the mercury prize and rightly so I thought it was awesome. Anyway I forgot about her, went to canada and saw her cd on the shelf while at uni and I was like... That's weird... I come back and she's like the female Jesus over here and then she blew up over there with the grammys to, it was pretty insane. The second album was very professional and well thought out.

Rothko have apparently been on the grind since 1997, this is the first i've heard of them, and my first impression is a bass driven rhythmic yet at the same time avante garde instrumental band. I don't like instrumental bands but if you like that kind of thing then I would say listen to this in a room that lets in little light but enough for it to be depressing.

Ah crystal castles, marmite, peanut butter and jelly, I got into them with crimewave and because for whatever reason and I have no idea what it is, I find alice glass supremely hot! The video for courtship dating sold this track to me and I really dig it. I'd love to see them Live, I missed out at the nme awards and as expected not everyone got what it was about.

Paramore, the girl's hot has a cool voice, writes catchy songs, the guitarist and bassist are good the drums are effective, they're a really good band I think they'd be fun to see live but I don't care if I don't.

I'm not too impressed with how mainstream this shuffle was, muse, paramore, justin timberlake, amy winehouse, MIA. But that's the way of the shuffle, last week it turned up some great tracks... It's still on shuffle and oh man I don't wanna say what just came on! Ha, I think it's doing this on purpose. But anyway, if you just take away from this that's a result right?

Monday, 6 April 2009

Classic Band/Album #2

Sorry my computer's not been working this weekend, kinda meant I got a lot done! It's chugging along now but it means I have a lot of blog ideas I want to get down. Firstly-

The Lemonheads- A shame about Ray

I saw the Lemondheads perform this album in it's entrirety last summer, to prepare for their headline slot at truck I made this the album of that summer and listened to it all the time when I was driving. So glad I found it but it made me realise that there must be so many other albums that pass people by like I don't really know pearl jam, smashing pumpkins or jane's addiction but they've all had supposedly iconic albums out. Life surely isn't too short to embrace all of them?

Lemonheads, formed in highschool out of Boston in the mid 80's were, and after there reform in 2005 still are, fronted by Evan Dando. They were named after a particular confectionary "was sweet on the inside, and sour on the outside", particularly apt. They released 3-records relatively well-recieved on the underground grunge scene before being signed to atlantic after the success of Lick.

Their debut on a major label is their defining moment. There so much to say but as ever I'd want people to discover it for themselves. I'd reccomend buying the deluxe edition (it has the demos on) and reading the inlay and falling for this cd.