I found them because fanfarlo announced they're replaying the gig I missed at the jericho which first of all was the best news I could possibly have gotten, anyway these guys are supporting...

First aid kit
O.K as ever I barely even think about what an artist might look like let alone actually search it out, the only time this method ever really did me a disservice was with patrick wolf, lol I just had no way to prepare for that! Anyway these guys are YOUNG. 15 and 18 to be precise. My knee jerk response would be to say yeah so what so are smoosh but here's the thing- first aid kit's lyrics are not at all representative of their age. When I first listened to them I had in mind the chick was like 32! Smoosh's lyrics are very teen, these.. just are not.
The guardian gave them a bit of a slating in their new band of the day review so now i'm saying fuck the gaurdian's lists because they've been giving up and coming bands a really fucking hard time the past couple of weeks and it is NOT. COOL. tossers.
Great suggestion - I saw them at Summer Sundae this year and they were the absolute highlight for me.