Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Plan B- Stay too long (2010)

You wanna see a guy you shouldn't like? (based on social stereotypes and prejudices..)

Well when this same bile spitting chav (Ben Drew) starts dressing in designer suits and performing soul infused rap and revealing a stunning vocal range, I wonder why I ever listened to anything else.

The focal point of this transformation is "stay too long", which is just relentlessly brilliant. I was literally AGHAST when I saw the video. how had I not heard this guy before?! Well don't go and rush over to google to download his back catalogue because it is violent misogynistic nonsense but good news- he's a changed man. Catch him live in April-

Bristol Anson Rooms – 8th
Oxford Academy – 9th
Birmingham Academy 2 – 10th
Brighton Concorde 2 - 11th
Glasgow Classic Grand - 13th
Leeds Cockpit - 14th
Manchester Academy 2 - 15th
London Shepherds Bush Empire – 16th

And download the track below...

1 comment:

  1. oooooh, he's playing at Oxford Academy on my bday!! What a great birthday that would be :D
