Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Outroversion's first birthday

So it was a year ago today that I made my first post here, fittingly titled "the debut".

I started this blog originally as a place to play my favourite tracks when I was at University when I don't have my ipod. I'd always carry a spare pair of headphones, stick them in the the port and bam play tracks from this blog.

Actually it originally started out as the retrospeed lab and that started some 5 months before but I forgot the password and made this, but hey this is where it's really at.

The tracks on my first post weren't great- The Young Knives, CSS, Rumble Strips, THE ENEMY?! I don't even like that band what was I thinking?!

But like I say that was from the old blog, the first original post was when I sold my favourite guitar.

Thankyou for all your support from the very beginning. It was kind of a slow start but then what blog isn't? Let me know what you've been liking and what you don't. I feel like it's gotten to a pretty good standard and format...

It's been pretty great, my target was just to take stock each month and make sure i've made improvements and that's definately happened. Obviously it's a great help working in conjunction with blalock's indie rock playlist and both have fitted around one another great so good times.

Let's make this year even better and spread the word! Tweet about outroversion, add a link to your blog, share the love :) This would be the best gift for me really. Or money, donate here hehe. Seriously though, next step's getting a .com.

As a gift to you i've decided to make a couple of mixtapes of my actual favourite tracks, one the best of the last couple of years and one with a retro feel, tracks from the 1950's to around 2004. I'll post one today and one tomorrow.

Here's a preview

Simon D.

Huge thanks to-

My followers
Everyone who has read this over the past year
My twitter followers
Blalock's indie rock playlist (Josh, Whipple, RebJukebox, ADR et al.)
Candy Warhol
Gabby Young
Cogwheel Dogs
Baby Gravy
MP!nk (wherever you maybe thankyou for the moral support early on)

I may have missed some people due to absent mindedness if you feel this could be you, shout me to say WTF!!

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