The radar tour (formerly new noise and new music) is my favourite nme event. It kicks off tomorrow night in my native Oxford. Now I've never gone to an awards tour or the one that had arctic monkeys, franz ferdinand and this year glasvegas, entirely through choice as the they sell out really quickly and it all seems a little too organised and above all, commercialised.
The radar tour on the other hand tends not to be so much the bands that are going to be winning brit awards and that johnathon ross is going to say is the "best band i've heard this year" but more bands that you'll fall in love with that one night and have as your little secret for the next few years, seeing them many times for around £8. The epitome of this for me is young knives, the long blondes and rumble strips all of whom have nice healthy, devoted fanbases but if you talk to a lager drinker or a rnb enjoyer, they'll have no idea and will probably call you out about something knowing them.
You may have noticed that there was already a radar tour this year and it had popstar la roux on it. Well yes i suppose that did kind of happen but the autumn season is kicking off with four great artists, no clear headliner, all with some glorious tunes to get you in the winter mood and by that I don't mean cold and depressed..
Marina and the diamondsI've blogged about her 3 times already so if you follow this blog you should really be quite well acquainted with her by now. I said it quite well in my original post-
I haven't written about this girl before because I wasn't sure if I was being swayed by just how stunningly beautiful she is. She's getting comparisons to kate nash because like she says, "I've got a keyboard and I've got a vagina". She has a deeper range which I personally dig and darker themes which are a huge plus. Some of her stuff is quite theatrical which I can only imagine will make for a great stage show, Kate Nash seemed to have very few places to go with her stuff but I can Imagine MATD will make for a killer time."
I've listened to her a little bit since then and really dig new single Mowgli's road. Seventeen gets stuck in your head easily and i am not a robot is great plus there's a couple of other nice tracks so it makes for a pretty sweet set that will definately win over a few people who pretended not to like kate nash.
Mowgli's roadObsessionsI am not a robotSeventeen
Golden SilversYeah kinda just using the pics with the poorest lighting up in hurr. I'm pretty sure these guys will be the "headliners" as they've had an album out for a few months and there was a lot of hype about it. Describing what to expect at this gig to someone I said it would be very 80's and this is exactly where golden silvers are, a lot of keyboards and singing where there might be guitars and shouting on another day, this is of course not a criticism. We forget bands pretty quickly and the one i'm trying to remember now... Umm oh yeah- the wombats! This is so reminiscent of them and if they were to spawn with the mystery jets this is what you would get. It's all quite nice and good times, maybe not a whole lot of substance but not everything has to be dark to be morbid. "
Wouldn't it be sweet if you could die from a broken heart". Besides, I'm absolutely in love with "another universe" right now, I'm pretty sure it'll be closing the night and that'll live long in the memory.
Another UniverseTrue RomanceMagic Touch