favourite songs of all time, it'sFirst up is (apart from blackbird, day in the life etc.) one of my like an indie rock

The libertines- Time for heroes
Semi-Charmed life is my anthem in canada, although admittedly about crystal meth, I prefer to get a different message from the song! It is the ultimate indie party anthem

Third Eye Blind- Semi Charmed Life
Conor Oberst has a way with words but which means on his usual 3 minute epics he could easily write for 10 minutes and still make it as poetically breathtaking, on this song- he does! 7 whole minute of pure unadultered lyrical brilliance from the nova scotian dylan, this is from the best of Bright Eyes' flawless post-happiness albums, can i get a god damn timpany roll!
Bright Eyes- Let's not shit ourselves to love (and to be loved)
Saves the day kinda removed themselves from their sound for this album, if you're wondering how just look at the pic on the right :p indeed they pissed off a few hardcore purists of their fanbase, the album was brilliant so they'll get over it. This song is as epic as a less than 3 minute song can be, by 30 seconds they've thrashed out a verse and chorus and are on their way to a second, it's a killer track with great vocals. This is one of those that I saw on meg's msn status and checked out, she has heavenly taste.
Saves the day- In reverie
Every band has a semi-charmed life in them, this is canadian husband/wife duo

Mates of state- Goods (All in your head)
And finally the ultimate american indie rock epic from seattle washington, death cab for cutie's we looked like giants!!!
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