Sunday 14 June 2009

It's difficult to know exactly what to say about 3hive, without gushing at least. It's a phenomenal site, probably the first music blog I became aware of around 2003. It would pretty much render all other music blogs obselete if it was as well known as the hype machine but it remains alot of people's favourite secret.

I discovered innumberable bands through this site but due to the sheer volume and consistancy and amount of (legal) mp3s on the site it's been impossible to keep up. You can navigate through artists, genre, labels you name it. It's an amazing tool for discovering your new favourite artist of the moment. Without them I may not have known say hi to your mom, !!!, all-girl summer fun band, imaginary baseball league or suburban kids with biblical names oh and up up down down left right left right B A start... of course I chose them all because they had awesome names and just turned out to be as cool.

I don't use the site as much as others for the simple reason that the amount of music on there is overwhelming like you don't know where to look and there's so many names you don't know that you start to question your very existence... Just check it out you'll see what I mean and hopefully find some new pet sounds.

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